This time of year I often find myself looking out the window longing for the warmer weather. For the sun to shine and the leaves to be bright and green. For the days to be filled with the warmth of the sun, to be back out on the trails.

Yep, winter is here and she has us wishing we were somewhere else. But it’s time to snap out of those winter blues, pack up the sack and hit the trails. Just because mother nature has sent us some flurries and freezing temperatures does not mean we can't explore the outdoors.
Actually some of the nicest hikes I have done have been with snow or some snowshoes. So let’s get out there and do some hikes. But first, one of the most important parts is to dress for the weather.
When hiking in the winter you have to dress in layers! So that way if you start to get hot you can take them off and if you get cold, put them back on. In order to do this there are 3 key layers! A Base layer, a middle layer and an outer layer.
Base Layer: You start with a base layer like leggings or anything moisture wicking! You want it to be comfortable, dry quickly and toasty. This will not only keep you warm from the outside elements but from your sweat too.
Middle layer: Next you need your middle layer, this could be a fleece sweater or a wool sweater. A warmer pair of pants on top possibly. This will be the layer providing you with the bulk of your warmth and stopping the dampness from reaching you.
Outer Layer: Finally you want to have your coat, this should be able to cut the wind and the snow and keep you nice and toasty. It doesn't have to be huge or super expensive, it just needs to be able to do its job.
An important aspect is to consider your own levels of cold. Are you someone who gets cold easily then maybe consider another layer or a thicker pair of pants. Are you someone who sweats a lot then make sure you are wearing layers that are easy to take off. Are you going to want to sit? Then maybe consider wearing waterproof pants. A hike can feel way longer if you're not comfortable in your clothes.
I don't know about you but the first place that always gets cold is my hands, feet and ears. That means that protecting them is that much more important.To start off I always make sure I have the basics: a toque, mitts and maybe a scarf or neck warmer.
There are a few extra steps I take to ensure that these stay warm. For my hands I always make sure to wear a warm pair of mittens or gloves that I know are waterproof. To avoid cold feet I follow the rule of layers, I put a small pair of dry fit socks on first then a big pair of warm cozy socks and top it off with my trusty old winter boots.

With winter hiking it can feel overwhelming and like a lot of effort but I promise you that the hike will be worth it in the end. There is just something special about walking across untouched snow or seeing the strong trees dropping from the weight of the load. Dont stop yourself from enjoying it because of the weather, just make sure you dress for it. Because being warm can make or break a hike and remember you can always take off a layer but you can't put one on if it's not there.